If you have been following our website and social media posts for a while now, you might have seen me talk about starting a prop firm challenge and trading my first challenge
Today i’ll like to bring you an amazing opportunity for the month of October, that requires only your trading skill and risk management
Grab up to $100,000 Funding Pips trading account for FREE with cash prizes with the October competition, the only condition is for you to ACT NOW and ACT FAST
With over $500k in prop accounts and $5,000 in cash to be won.

Only 5,000 people can sign up for this competition And as of the time I’m writing… Almost 4,900 persons signed up already – in just 4 hours after it was announced.

So if you know you have the skill, but for one reason or another, you cannot purchase an account… FOLLOW THESE STEPS BELOW (don’t wait till later, follow along fast)
1. Sign Up First Click here
Create an account with your name, email and password.
2. Join Competition
Once you’ve created an account and logged in.. Click the menu icon on the left, Click on competitions Scroll down till you find October competition and click on ‘VIEW’ Then on the next page click on ‘Join’

When you’ve followed the steps carefully… You should get an email instantly. You should also see this on the next page
Congratulations if you’re at this stage. But there’s more..

From here you can click on ‘credentials’ to access your MT5 login And that’s where part 2 begins.
Now when you’ve logged in, go back to the website and click on ‘Description’ to read the Competition Rules (very important) Be sure you understand it to avoid mistakes.

Now the trading starts October 1st (in 6 days time) And you simply need to abide by the rules and trade.
At the end of the month:
➢ the winner gets $100k Challenge account + $1,500 cash
➢ Second person gets $100k account + $1,200
➢ 3rd winner gets $100k account + $1,000

Now even if you’re not among the first 3 winners… You still have a chance to win $100k Challenge account, or $50k or even $25k account.
You’ve been claiming that you’ve got skill but lack capital. And now it’s time to prove yourself. I believe you can
Remember you don’t have much time left… Thousands of people are seeing the announcement on Discord, Instagram and everywhere So act fast !!! Start by signing up here